Policy & Culture
We are determined to build a reputation as an ethical, inclusive and trustworthy business. This means we are committed to dealing fairly with our authors, artists, suppliers, and readers.
We seek to champion voices from a diverse range of backgrounds, and ensure pay equality regardless of ethnicity, sexuality or gender. We will also not tolerate submissions containing racist or discriminatory language or opinions.
We believe that as current generative AI models have been trained on copyrighted works of fiction and art without the permission of the relevant copyright holders, any work produced by these computer programs will be considered plagiarism. Fiction and art are expressions of emotion, intelligence, and creativity, none of which today’s generative AI tools possess. We will therefore never knowingly accept or publish work that has been created in this manner.
Wherever possible, we will only work with suppliers who are committed to sustainable sourcing and manufacture, and against the use of modern slavery–such as forced or compulsory labor or human trafficking–in their businesses or supply chains.